Brochure request

Formulaire associé

Request full details of one or more programmes:
course content, format, tuition fees, etc.

  • Step 1
  • Step 2
Step 1

Brochure request

You are


Send more information about the following programme(s)
Step 2
Current country of residence
I authorise Excelia to send me any information relevant to my study project
Adresse complète

* Indicates required field. We will not share your email address with any third parties nor do we sell this information. All data collected on this form is recorded in a computerised file by Excelia for statistical purposes as well as for the management and follow-up of information requests via the contact details provided. It will be held by us until the end of the specified study project and is intended for use by the Development and Marketing Department and its service providers (solely for the needs of Excelia and associated entrance test bodies).
In accordance with the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), you may exercise your right to access any personal data that concerns you, and request that it is amended accordingly. To do so, you need to contact: [email protected]