Certifications, quality labels and more

Established in 2002, Excelia Tourism School is an applied business school offering undergraduate (Bachelor) and postgraduate (Master of Science) programmes in the fields of Tourism Management, Leisure Management, Hospitality Management, Events Management, Sustainable Tourism and Destination Management.

A reputable school of excellence

In addition to being the first French School to be awarded UNWTO.TedQual certification by the UN World Tourism Organization for all its programmes, Excelia Tourism School boasts several national and international certifications and quality labels. These credentials are valuable confirmation of its expertise and the quality of its educational programmes.



tedqualExcelia Tourism School is a major school of management specialising in the field of tourism. In December 2009, it became the first French tourism school to be awarded the UNWTO.TedQual certification for all its programmes, enabling the school to be recognised internationally in the field of tourism.

Created in 1999 by the World Tourism Organization, a specialised agency of the United Nations, the UNWTO.TedQual Certification System is a quality assurance initiative recognising high-level education and training in the fields of Tourism, Hospitality and Catering. It is based on the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism and sets standards in terms of quality and excellence in education, vocational training, expertise and interpersonal skills on an international level. Certification criteria also focus on research and the teaching of tourism and hospitality management.

This certification recognises the quality of Excelia Tourism School's programmes and the school’s commitment to meeting the requirements of the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism and to complying with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda.


CFET: Conférence des Formations d’Excellence au Tourisme 



CFET is an association promoting excellence in training programmes in the field of Tourism, created by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Paris-Ile-de-France region at the request of the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, and the Ministry of National Education, with the support of the IFT - Institut Français du Tourisme (French Tourism Institute).

Being part of CFET provides a guarantee of the quality of the study programmes on offer, and proves that the qualifications meet the expectations of recruiters. CFET’s role is to promote the best French programmes in the tourism industry to an international audience. 

All the Masters of Science (MSc) offered by Excelia Tourism School have received CFET recognition.

13th March 2017 Excelia Tourism School’s programmes received CFET recognition for the first time 





The VISA is a French government label issued by the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation. In February 2021, following a review by the CEFDG*, Excelia Tourism School’s Bachelor in Tourism and Hospitality Management was awarded a VISA for a period of four years. This State recognition attests to the academic quality of the programme, highlighting several key aspects, in particular its strong international dimension, its socially responsible policy, and the efficiency of its support system for vocational integration.

*CEFDG: Commission d’Évaluation des Formations et Diplômes de Gestion (commission for the appraisal of management programmes and qualifications)


RNCP: Répertoire National des Certifications Professionnelles

france compétences RNCP

The RNCP is the French national directory of professional certifications, a quality label administered by France Compétences, which, since 5th September 2018, has been the exclusive national governing body for vocational training and apprenticeships. 

These professional certifications serve to award State-recognised qualifications, and to ensure that applicants and companies can easily identify the exact training course or study programme they are looking for. At Excelia Tourism School, the MSc in Destination Management and the MSc in International Tourism and Destination Management have both obtained RNCP Level 7, whilst the Bachelor in Tourism and Hospitality Management has been awarded RNCP Level 6.


EESPIG: Établissement d’enseignement supérieur privé d’intérêt général



Awarded by the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, the EESPIG label recognises Excelia’s mission as a not-for-profit establishment contributing to the public service of higher education and research.

The EESPIG label therefore provides greater clarity in the private higher education sector by differentiating not-for-profit institutions which award qualifications on behalf of the State and are regularly monitored by the relevant public bodies. This means that students and their families are better informed when selecting a higher education study programme.