Top Hospitality and Tourism Schools


The objective of the Top Hospitality and Tourism Schools association is to promote the Hospitality and Tourism and make it an international reference. The association brings together 4 applied schools awarding qualifications endorsed by the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation: École Supérieure de Tourisme Troyes-Metz, Excelia Tourism School, FERRANDI Paris and INSTITUT Lyfe 

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4 renowned schools, 1 unique initiative… promoting the appeal and dynamism of the tourism and hospitality sector



Drawing on the academic recognition of its member schools, the Top Hospitality and Tourism Schools association aims to build an effective ecosystem for the joint development of skills to enhance the appeal of the tourism and hospitality sector for the benefit of learners, industry professionals and customers alike.

“Thanks to the combination of skills of the member schools, our ambition is to benefit from a broadened expertise to meet the challenges of the tourism and hospitality industry by strengthening the appeal of the sector, educating its future actors with innovation as a central focus, and contributing to its social and environmental transition.”
Richard Ginioux, President of the association Top Hospitality and Tourism Schools


A core mission focussing on internationalisation, education, research and industry appeal

This new ecosystem, which brings together applied schools that award qualifications approved by the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, will make it possible for the member schools to work as a network, with the following objectives:

  • to support the European and international development of member schools and to become a key contact for regulatory authorities
  • to guarantee an enhanced learning experience by developing alternative pedagogical methods and synergies between schools
  • to support research and forecasting on the evolution of professions, professional practices in the sector and teaching methods
  • to increase the visibility and attractiveness of professions and sector-specific programmes among young people, parents and careers advisors
  • to develop vocational and educational partnerships in the field of hospitality and tourism, both at a national and international level

In order to carry out these missions, the association has set up 4 working groups, composed of members from each school, industry professionals, institutional partners, and students: Employability and Corporate Relations; Research and Monitoring; Enhanced Learner Experience; Internationalisation.


The Association’s first projects

The priority projects for the Top Hospitality and Tourism Schools association are as follows:

  • social inclusion and diversity through work-study opportunities and scholarships 
  • the ‘learning experience’ with the organisation of the next edition of ‘Get Up 4 Tourism’ (an inter-school challenge for socially responsible and sustainable tourism), the setting up of learning expeditions, Summer Schools, and the creation of study paths between the 4 schools
  • promotion of the sector via job podcasts and the setting up of an observatory on the interest of young people for the industry’s study programmes and careers


About Excelia Tourism School

logoExcelia Tourism School is Excelia’s management school applied to tourism. Its various accreditations, State-certified VISA, RNCP professional certifications, and TedQual certification, make it one of the world’s elite tourism schools. As the only school in France to be accredited by the United Nations, it is committed to respecting and promoting the principles of the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism.


About École Supérieure de Tourisme Troyes-Metz de Y Schools

Y SCHOOLSLaunched more than 15 years ago, in partnership with industry professionals, the École Supérieure de Tourisme de Y SCHOOLS offers undergraduate and postgraduate programmes that meet the demands and needs of the sector. With its 3 campuses in Troyes, Paris, and Metz, the school offers a pedagogy based on a diversity of lessons, field experience and a strong international focus. Since September 2021, the Bachelor programme of the Ecole Supérieure de Tourisme has been approved by the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation with a State-certified VISA.



institut LyfeThe Institut Lyfe provides training in the hospitality, restaurant and culinary arts professions. In 30 years it has created a unique ecosystem of post-High School education, research, and executive education. From Bachelor to Doctorate level, its teaching is based on experiential learning, with a strong emphasis on project management, talent development, entrepreneurship and creativity. It is the first private higher education establishment in the hospitality and restaurant industry to be recognised by the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, with four State-certified Bachelors in Management. It is the only school in France to have a Michelin-starred training restaurant, a 5* hotel-school and a Research Centre which, through its work, contributes to the quality of teaching with a forward-looking vision of the hospitality industry.


About FERRANDI Paris

FERRANDI ParisFERRANDI Paris trains the elite of culinary arts and hospitality management professionals, who are key players in the evolution of the industry both in France and abroad. Created over 100 years ago by the Ile-de-France regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry, its name is associated with several generations of chefs and entrepreneurs who have distinguished themselves through their culinary style and innovative talent. Recognised for constantly achieving excellence in every aspect of its business, the school has developed a pedagogical approach based on mastering the fundamentals, the ability to innovate, the acquisition of managerial and entrepreneurial skills, as well as practical experience in real-life situations.