International experiences are an integral part of the programme enabling you to develop your skills... and learn more about yourself!
- Academic expatriation to one of our 230 partner universities, for a semester or a full year.
- A 12-ternship in Year 1 to improve your language skills in preparation for expatriation in Year 2.
- Humacité© and Climacité© projects: 2-8 weeks to explore the societal and environmental elements of Sustainable Development.

Academic Expatriation
Understanding international and intercultural issues
Discovering another culture, another way of learning… this is what academic expatriation is all about! As a compulsory part of Year 2 of the Bachelor, you have the opportunity to spend a semester in one of Excelia Tourism School’s 230 partner universities in Argentina, Austria, China, Mexico, to name but a few destinations! You can also choose to study for a double qualification after a full year of expatriation, with possible destinations including Finland, Germany, Thailand, etc. Excelia Tourism School has formed partnerships with quality establishments, highly experienced in the field of Tourism. These periods of international study not only enable you to validate a semester (30 ECTS or equivalent) or a full year (60 ECTS or equivalent), but they are also a great opportunity to develop an impressive CV for the international market!

Valuable professional experience in France and abroad… 11 months minimum for the Bachelor and 10 months for the MSc
The world is your playground! In addition to language learning, a 3-month internship in Year 1 enables you to learn about interculturality and to discover the world of business in a different country, with its own specific culture. You will develop your ability to adapt to new environments, as well as strengthening your empathy, humility and autonomy. As Capucine, a Year 2 student on the Bachelor English Track, who did her internship in the catering and entertainment departments of a campsite in Spain, points out: “You arrive in a company that has chosen to recruit you, and therefore has certain expectations. For the work itself, as well as for learning the language, team spirit is tremendously important!” This internship proved beneficial to her vocational integration, as Capucine returned there for a summer job in July and August!

Humacité© and Climacité© initiatives
Experiences necessitating a strong commitment
Already a pioneer by incorporating Sustainable Development and Corporate Social Responsibility into all of its programmes, Excelia is also one of the first higher education groups to have set up an Experiential and Personal Development (EPD) initiative. We are committed to providing our students and graduates with transversal, interpersonal, and communication skills along with situational awareness. In the same vein, we have created the Humacité© and Climacité© initiatives, two different, complementary experiences that enable you to explore two distinct aspects of Sustainable Development: one social, the other environmental. Over the past 15 years, some 7,000 students have carried out a Humacité© project, becoming ambassadors for their country and for human values by taking positive action to benefit those in need. Climacité© is a more recent initiative that reflects Excelia’s proactive sustainable management policy.