Excelia Tourism School

Excelia Tourism School is the tourism school of Excelia. It offers both Bachelor and Master level programmes in tourism, leisure, hospitality, event management and destination management. Excelia Tourism School was the first French School of its type to receive UNWTO.TedQual certification, and is recognised internationally for its expertise and the quality of its programmes. The School educates students to become expert managers in the tourism industry… managers who are not only versatile, responsible and ready for the challenges of the workplace, but are also capable of understanding all the facets and challenges of this rapidly changing industry.


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Diplôme visé contrôlé par l'état

A major
Tourism Management School

With its Humacité© and Climacité© initiatives, Excelia Tourism School educates students to become versatile and responsible professionals, committed to sustainable tourism.

Join Excelia Tourism School and study at one of the top 10 French schools, enjoying a variety of experiences in France and abroad

Our programmes encompass immersive experiences, and offer you personalised study tracks. The ‘Smart Skills’ and industry-specific electives enable you to develop the necessary skills to meet the latest needs and expectations of today’s companies… boosting your employment prospects!.

From the moment you arrive right up until you graduate, Excelia provides personalised support and guidance, encouraging your personal development and ensuring your successful vocational integration.


Your career is our priority!

Excelia's accreditations

  • CFET is an association promoting excellence in training programmes in the field of Tourism. Being part of CFET provides a guarantee of the quality of the study programmes on offer, and proves that the qualifications meet the expectations of recruiters.

  • The VISA is a French government label issued by the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and InnovationThis State recognition attests to the academic quality of the programme.

  • In 2009, Excelia Tourism School obtained UNWTO.TedQual certification for all of its programmes, the first French school of tourism to have done so. This ensures that the School is recognised in the tourism industry on an international level.

  • Awarded by the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, the EESPIG label recognises Excelia’s mission as a not-for-profit establishment contributing to the public service of higher education and research.

  • The RNCP is the French national directory of professional certifications, a quality label administered by France Compétences. These professional certifications serve to award State-recognised qualifications, and to ensure that applicants and companies can easily identify the exact training course or study programme they are looking for.

Tourism… thousands of different jobs, thousands of different careers!

View our study programmes