Flavie Violette

« These experiences are a major differentiating factor from other study paths that I might have taken. »
Bachelor in Hospitality - Tourism Management Track
Flavie Violette - Graduate of Bachelor in Tourism and Hospitality Management
  • Where and when did you go?

As a student on the Bachelor in Tourism and Hospitality Management, I was lucky enough to be able to carry out 2 expatriations as well as a humanitarian project.

Firstly, I went to the CETT-UB school in Barcelona in September 2020 for one semester. I absolutely loved my experience there. Despite COVID, I was fortunate to be able to attend lessons ‘in person’ for a little over a month. I was able to choose all my courses, and I really liked the way they taught, which was based on Soft Skills and personal development beyond simply acquiring knowledge. I have fond memories of the relationship with the teachers, which was very different from that in France, with a more personal and friendly approach.  I enjoyed the Spanish culture and quickly felt at home.


After that, I undertook a two-month humanitarian project in February 2021 for the Atlas Kinder association in Morocco. It was the best experience of my life! I met some exceptional people whom I did my utmost to help. I managed to create a strong bond with both the children and the association’s team, working alongside them on a daily basis. I didn’t have any compulsory duties, there were simply meetings with all the volunteers to organise the week and decide on specific tasks based on what we wanted to do. What I remember most about the Moroccans is their willingness to help, their solidarity, their readiness to share and their warmth. I came away from this experience deeply marked… in a positive way! Upon my return, I had the opportunity to go on RCF radio along with Sophie Pauget to share my experience.


Then in January 2022, I went to the Inholland university in Diemen, Netherlands for a semester of academic expatriation. I really liked the school, which has a very different teaching approach from what I had experienced before. It’s not a programme with exams, but more of an ‘experience’ around a theme, for which you have to produce a portfolio and carry out group work. This group work was based on a case study of the city of Krakow in Poland. My programme was called ‘Destination Management, Branding and Communications’, a fusion between programmes in Tourism and in Communications. The Dutch are very friendly, I felt very welcome.


  • What do you think about international experiences?

Personally, I was absolutely delighted with my international experiences and I am very lucky to have been able to do so much despite the health crisis. These experiences are a major differentiating factor from other study paths that I might have taken. I like to learn from observing and participating in the working methods of other cultures, so I’m delighted to have had such experiences.

Different experiences offered in Bachelor in Tourism and Hospitality Management


  • Why did you choose the Bachelor in Tourism and Hospitality Management?

I chose this programme because of the experiences it offered, because I really enjoy learning about other languages and cultures, and also because I really liked the courses on offer. The teaching is varied and I feel that I have developed many qualities on a personal level, such as overcoming my shyness and learning to speak in public thanks to the many group projects and oral presentations.


  • What do you hope to do after this Bachelor in Tourism and Hospitality Management?

After this Bachelor, I would like to do a Master in Event Management to acquire the necessary skills in event tourism. My professional project is not yet totally defined, and I don’t know exactly what job I want to do. However, I know the areas that interest me – tourism, marketing, communications, events – so I would like to find a job in which these sectors are combined.


More about Bachelor in Tourism and Hospitality Management

Other testimonials

  • « If an opportunity presents itself, you should seize it… it can only be beneficial for both your personal development and for enriching your CV. »
  • « Such experiences not only  give you the opportunity to learn about different ways of living but also about different ways of working. »
  • « Always be open-minded and take advantage of all the opportunities to travel given to you by the school… and learn as much as possible! »